
I was brought up on a healthy diet of Ogilvy and JWT advertising in Mumbai, India, before making a move to work with Fadi Yaish at BBDO Dubai in 2014. Since then I’ve been working with creatives from Brazil, South Africa, Germany, Indonesia, UK, Lebanon and a host of other countries to create advertising campaigns that have engaged people from India to Thailand and UAE. Besides representing India at the Young Lotus Adfest Awards, I’ve won awards at Dubai Lynx, AD Stars 2020 and EFFIEs.

As a Creative Copywriter I enjoy creatively bringing out the best in brands. I’m a humble creative who’d rather lift up others, than use them as a stepping stool. I have a background in Financial Accounting and Customer Service, gaining corporate experience before making a career shift into the world of advertising. Thanks to this I have an exceptional ability to see things both from the client and the agency side.

My creative approach, no matter the medium, is to find points of tension behind the idea I’ve been assigned or am interested in. For me, being provocative isn’t about instigation, but rather, a way to engage my audience. It’s a way to plant a little bit of intrigue, a yearning to turn the page and learn more about the idea. Ultimately, it’s about creating memorable stories.

For collabs and coffee conversations email savio.alva@gmail.com or dial +971551197811.



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